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Image by Christina @
Future IT Professionals
Virtual Mentorship

This program is designed to mentor high school seniors, college students, and young adults with aspirations in the IT field. The mentors are seasoned IT professionals, most of which have years of experience in IT management. 

The program typically runs for a minimum of 6 months in which the mentors offer advice to mentees on their personal career goals. Mentoring sessions may include discussing emotional intelligence, strength finding, decision making, prioritization, and other personal development exercises to benefit the growth of the mentee. To register, click on the button below.



"The Ron Howell Foundation's Mentoring program has truly been a blessing to me. I'm thankful to have met my mentor, Mr. Sipe. He is always available when I have any IT questions and need career advice. Mr. Sipe has a lot of wisdom and is intentional about checking in with me to see how my studying is going for my certification exams as well as encouraging me when my IT journey doesn't seem so clear. With the encouragement and advice from my mentor, I have landed my first entry level position in Information Technology and I look forward to seeing where this takes me."

-2020 FITP Mentorship Participant

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